Analysis of Ikaros tumor suppressor function in BCR-ABL1+ pre-B ALL reveals conserved target genes and biological pathways.

Hilde Schjerven, Etapong Fonabei Ayongaba, Jami McLaughlin, Donghui Cheng, Linn Margrethe Eggesbø, Ida Lindeman, Eugene Park, Owen N Witte, Stephen T Smale, Seth Frietze, Markus Muschen. Analysis of Ikaros tumor suppressor function in BCR-ABL1+ pre-B ALL reveals conserved target genes and biological pathways. The Journal of Immunology. 2016 May 1; 196(1_Supplement):122.6-122.6.


Hilde Schjerven, Etapong Fonabei Ayongaba, Jami McLaughlin, Donghui Cheng, Linn Margrethe Eggesbø, Ida Lindeman, Eugene Park, Owen N Witte, Stephen T Smale, Seth Frietze, Markus Muschen